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favorite quotes

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Topic: favorite quotes
Total Posts: 26

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

Here is where u say ur favorite quote from anywhere. from ur mind or from the ancient texts of Shakespear and also explain ur quote.

"love is like war. If u win the love or the war it comes at a price. If u loose the love or the war it comes at a price"

that basically means that in order to get something u have to give up something. if u win the love of somebody or if u win a war there is always something that u give up. like friends or family for love and for war u loose men and supplies. If u loose the love of somebody or if u loose the war u give up something. For love it is obvious u loose the love. For the war u loose men and supplies and what ever u were fighting for.
From both situations u gain something. But u also loose something. where should ur loyalties remain in love. with ur family and friends or with ur love. Where should ur loyalties remain in war. With ur country or with the other country.

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my fav quote: "Not a scratch, not a f*ckin scratch."

Mac- Predator

Rank: 8
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'Your suffering will be legendary, even in HELL!' - Pinhead, Hellraiser
'Ahh, the suffering, the sweet suffering...' - Pinhead, Hellraiser
'Hhhhhhssssssssssss....' - Queenie, Aliens (translates as 'hello, food thing!')
'Why would I be on the river, kissing a brain?' - Dr Huffhurrurr (Steve Martin), Man With Two Brains
'The pointy birds, pointy pointy...' - Steve Martin

Just a few of my faves that I could think of at the moment!

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one who goto bed with itchy butt wake up with stinky fingers - the words of the great confucious (altered by my father)

opinions are like butt holes (or belly buttons), everyone has one - my father

Get the butter, that was corny! - a friend of mine

Cry me a river, build me a bridge, and jump off it. - my father again

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

its confucious says. Go to bed with itchy butt, wake up next morning with stinky yellow fingers.
add on alot of chinese accent.

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"What...the...hell...are you?" - Yautja - Predator

"Hey catch up with me later, i'll buy ya a beer!" - Guard - HL

"You can wish in one hand and crap in the other, and see which gets filled first." - "Pop" - Grumiper old men.

"If i were to let you, suck my tongue. Would you be greatful?" - Castor Troy - Face/Off

"I'm gunna save the fuckin day!" - Cameron Poe - Con Air

"HOLY TOLEDO!! Someone had fun..." - Jereomy Irons (simon) - Die Hard With Avengence

i think of some more later

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"No bodies, no blood, nothing" - Hicks, Aliens

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Argh, god knows how many times I've seen that film but I just can't remember when Hicks said that... I remember Parker from Alien and Pancho from Predator saying something similar but Hicks..? Total brainlock here. o_O

"I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?" - Samuel Jackson, Pulp Fiction

"Dumbass!" - Red, That 70s Show

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it was when they first got into the hadley's hope colony and found all the colonists... missing..

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Ahh that's the one! Thanks for that, I'd totally forgotten.

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@ yawn: man that 70's show ROCKS! red is my idol

nother quote: "Fuckin A" Hudson:Aliens
"I'm ready man, check-it-out. I am the ultimate badass, state of the badass art. You do not want to fuck with me. Hey Ripley, don't worry. Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you. Check it out. Independently targeting particle-beam phalanx. Vwap! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart-missiles, phase-plasma pulse-rifles, RPGs. We got sonic electronic ballbreakers! We got nukes. We got knives, sharp sticks." -Hudson:Aliens (deleted scene of course )

Rank: 8
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'Aww, no tears please - it's a waste of good suffering' - Pinhead, Hellraiser
'Happiness is a belt-fed weapon' - me

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It aint if your an alien O.o

Rank: 8
Posts: 1136

Ahh, well - as well as being a bit alieny, I'm also a gun freak!

Rank: 0
Posts: 838

Gone Gun Nutters, have you? have you seen the new weapon, that can (no joke) fire off 1,000,000 rounds a minute? its AWESOME.

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What the f*** are you? Predator1

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Eek @ Nuthouse. I thought the minigun had the highest rpm of any gun?

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Posts: 838

nope Its an electric gun, its not hand held. it looks like a box with a BUNCH of holes in it. it's a one shot wep, so technically to get 1,000,000 rounds per minute you need a BUNCH of em.

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Is it the one where they load multiple rounds into the chamber at once, and the rounds fire off one after another? It is a cool idea, I have read about it.

My favorite quote, lets see. I guess I have 2:

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
-Douglas Adams

I think this quote basically sums up the major flaw in humans. This limits their ability to accept change, to prevent the repetition of mistakes, and to move forward.

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