Absolute Gamerz

My website!

Forum: Life As It Happens
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Topic: My website!
Total Posts: 18

Rank: 0
Posts: 289

Hi all my website is up and running please feel free to look at it.
The address is: http://www.freewebs.com/benscomics
please have a look and let me know wot u think.
P.S it is still under construction so ne recommendations would be nice!

Rank: 0
Posts: 338

wow nice job man
i give it 2 thumbs up

Rank: 8
Posts: 1136

Looking good so far, now get some content on there!

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

it seems alot of people are using freewebs.com
i am in the process of making my own. but well it is only a day old and about 20 minutes put into it.
i have a boat load to do on it. but it is a start.

Rank: 0
Posts: 289

Thanx peepl im about to post my first stories. Alienlord your site is lookin gud so far!

Corpral Hicks
Rank: 0
Posts: 497

Well I'll be dammed. Is there something that comes with freewebs.com that gives really good options? It it one of those easy sites or am I the sucker who spent 2 nights not sleeping till about 5 each night to learn basic HTML codes?
Comeon someone spill the beens. Also as I want to do this,
http://www.cjb.net is handy for redirection, for any1 who cares!

Rank: 0
Posts: 289

Sorry Hicks but it's a really simple one that does prcticulay all the HTML for you.

Corpral Hicks
Rank: 0
Posts: 497

So thats why every1's sites look better then mine....baring in mind mine isnt that good anyway!
Nice site by the way!

Rank: 0
Posts: 289

Thanx Hicks. Hey all im looking for peepl who can do good comical stories about avsolutely nething so if ne1 wants to have a go plz get in touch with me!

Corpral Hicks
Rank: 0
Posts: 497

Dude what about my Tim Torture or the Mell and Dachande show?

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

hicks ur site is great. i like it.

Rank: 0
Posts: 289

I gotta agree with Alienlord on that one. It's great Hicks!!

Corpral Hicks
Rank: 0
Posts: 497

Thanks, there are alot of broken links and pictures...my mate finds most of them because he is on the site more than me. I am trying to find the time to fix everything and stuff. Deleted scenes, Pictures and so forth! I will try.
As I said what about my stories, Tim Torture and Mell and Dachande?
Alien, are you going to add some Alien stuff to your site? And your stories?

Rank: 0
Posts: 289

Yea sure Hicks just e-mail me either one and i'll post it on the site.

Corpral Hicks
Rank: 0
Posts: 497

I'll email u the HTMLed version of TT!

Rank: 0
Posts: 289

Sure Hicks.

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

i just added some more things. i will add some more of my stories when i get some more time. as for now i will just be building it up.

Corpral Hicks
Rank: 0
Posts: 497

MOAB? I cant email u the story, as you kept your email private!

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