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Life as it happens

Forum: Life As It Happens
Work [slavery], men&women, books, food, life as you see it.
Topic: Life as it happens
Total Posts: 19

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Posts: 37

lets all post daily what our life is like, thow ppl may not want to post we should just say atleast if it was good or bad and why, comon this might be cool i think?

Rank: 0
Posts: 37

Today my day sucked, because i hate my F@#$IN FRENCH TEACHER!!! i hope she dies, shes such an a!@hole and doesnt know how to teach, i mean f!@# she doesnt know what half the f%#!ing words in french mean, i asked her what ski was, and she TOLD ME TO LOOK IT UP. what a dumba$$, ski is ski in french, I KNEW THAT BEFORE I LOOKED IT UP!!! she should be fired and it pisses me off that she always lies

[ This message was edited by: PredatorGuy on 2001-11-09 20:16 ]

[ This message was edited by: PredatorGuy on 2001-11-16 15:49 ]

Rank: 0
Posts: 28


That was sure a mouthful...a "badmouth"full

*laughs at his own joke*...I need a life.

Well, my day goes from bad, to badder, to worse, to hell, to ri-goddamn-diculous. It all just swirls together into an apocalyptic suffering mess when Im in math class though.

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Posts: 37

today i wasnt at school!!! it was a VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY GOOD DAY!!

Rank: 9
Posts: 1759

hey!!!!!!!! watch the language- I'd hate to switch on the "swear filter" cause then I can't swear on my OWN bloody board!!!

tone it down.

other than that- slept 5 hours [webmastered all night] and had to get up to take cat to vet [the poor thing lost two teeth today]

need beer, women, sleep [in any order]

Rank: 0
Posts: 37

Today i was sick so i wasnt at school. Other then being miserable throwin up and all im not at school so im happy!

Rank: 0
Posts: 201

Well, this is as good a thread as any to throw this in. What is the last good book and last good movie you have seen? The keyword here is good.


The Brethern by John Grissom. Three judges currently doing time in a federal prison, run a mail scam from the inside, but ensnare a powerful and dangerous man.


Band of Brothers, based on a novel by Stephen E. Ambrose, produced by Steven Spielberg, directed by Tom Hanks. It's the story of a company of airborne marines from D-Day up to Hitler's death and the surrender of the Natzis. Not really a movie, a television mini-series, but still an excellent job of storytelling. Was on HBO in the States and TMN in Canada. Should be on VHS and DVD next fall. Worthwhile seeing if you have the chance.

[ This message was edited by: Hicks on 2001-11-28 13:32 ]

Rank: 9
Posts: 1759

movie: Gladiator [again]

book: PHP and MySQL web development [outside of my own writing]

Rank: 0
Posts: 201


On 2001-11-28 13:41, the_demigod wrote:

movie: Gladiator [again]

book: PHP and MySQL web development [outside of my own writing]

PHP and MySQL, that's lame, demi, that's lame! I was looking for something a little more literary. But Gladiator, yes, an excellent film.

Rank: 9
Posts: 1759


book: "the 3 books of occult philosophy" by Agrippa

Rank: 0
Posts: 201


On 2001-11-28 16:26, the_demigod wrote:


book: "the 3 books of occult philosophy" by Agrippa

Now that's more like it! Sounds interesting...

Rank: 0
Posts: 86

Great choices Hicks

my choices would have to be...

Book-Aztec,& Aztec Autumn, by Gary Jennings.

I would reccomend these books to anyone even remotly interested in the Aztec culture or is a fan of historical fiction.

Hmmm... now movie is a hard one I would have to say Animal House

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Posts: 201


On 2001-11-28 18:59, UJITTA wrote:

Hmmm... now movie is a hard one I would have to say Animal House

Lol! I haven't seen that movie in years. Ah, nothing like the slapstick comedy of John Belushi. Have you seen 1942? It's rich as well.

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Posts: 82

Since Exam Finals have come, the last thing I want to comment about are books and any other reading for that matter. LOL. But I'll settle for a quick 'what's happening in my life' briefing...

1.) 5:00am - Woke up; brush teeth and screamed as I saw an alien. Soon realized that it was just my face on the bathroom's mirror.

2.) 5:30am - Ate breakfast

3.) 6:00am - Went to Univeristy; first one to get there; saw janitors barely waking up

4.) 6:00am to 8:28am - Went back to sleep in Math library. Dreamt about Aliens, Predator, San Antonio Spurs, and Michael Biehn

5.) 8:29am - Woke up and ran to Algebra class

6.) 8:31am - Late for class; professor giving me "the look"

7.) 8:31am to 9:30am - Went back to sleep during class. Dreamt about Aliens, Predator, San Antonio Spurs, and Michael Biehn

8.) 9:45am - Finally woke up and saw myself in another class

9.) 10:00am - Went to computer class

10.) 10.01am to 11:30am - Checked avp2.net site, Michael Biehn onelist, hotmail email, yahoo email, clubs, instead of doing online test

11.) 11:31am - Finally remembered test

12.) 11:32am - Couldn't submit test because of computer lockdown that happens at exactly 11:30

13.) 11:33am - Cries to the heavens and hells

14.) 11:34am - Gets over it and goes home to fall back to sleep.

Well, that was my day yesterday. And in case you're wondering, I only get two classes on Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's that end on 11:30am. And yes, I'm pathetic.

Rank: 9
Posts: 1759

talking about students and computers- I was once contacted by an AvP fan who was a netowrk admin @ a UK university and he found my site by the IP/amount of traffic going from a certain comp in his university to my site....

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Rank: 0
Posts: 86

Yea Belushi is hilarius

havent seen 1942 though

Rank: 0
Posts: 76

My day was pretty good. After seeing the amount of views Worthy Adversary got (10 in 1st day) im quite pleased with that.

Although i am disappointed that i havent written anymore for it over the last couple of days.

And by the way, the Predator wont actually be introduced into WA before chapter 4, or possibly chapter 5 or 6

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Posts: 82

University people... gotta love us, Demigod!

[ This message was edited by: CorporalHicks on 2001-11-29 14:49 ]

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