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10 Things You Hate About The World

Forum: Life As It Happens
Work [slavery], men&women, books, food, life as you see it.
Topic: 10 Things You Hate About The World
Total Posts: 38

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Posts: 233

Name 10 things you hate about the world right here and trust me youll feel better.

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

ok here are mine.
1) shallow and superficial people.
2) men that abuse woman.
3) racisism against others.
4) how stupid most figures of power are.
5) school staff hipocrathy and stupidity.
6) how imature the world is getting.
7) how conceided contries are.
that guys have to be the ones to make the moves.
9) bush being president.
10) how evil girls can be. let me explain this one. i hate how girls act like there not trying to show off there bodies with the tight shirts. the tank tops that are stretched to the mid chest and then they slap u or something if u look at them. or they cover them selves up. i mean cant they just not wear those closes and save the problems. ?????????????????????????????????????

Rank: 0
Posts: 233

Great reply, dont you feel any better sharing idas on why the world is a piece of... heh whay bother say it. It wont help anyone. Comon this is a great way to get stuff of your back.

Lord Goldeneyes
Rank: 0
Posts: 64

ok, why not?

1) hypocrites
2) humanities endless stupidity
3) siblings
4) terrorists
5) criminals
6) backstabbers
7) polictical correctness
all forms of grammer and spelling
9) school
10) work

Rank: 0
Posts: 1940


1 - British Law Schools
2 - British Law Schools
3 - British Law Schools
4 -British Law Schools
5 -British Law Schools
6 -British Law Schools
7 -British Law Schools
8 -British Law Schools
9 -British Law Schools
10 -British Law Schools

Rank: 0
Posts: 211

1. hypocrisy
2. discrimination of all kinds
3. the arrogance of mankind as a race
4. the fact that most people dont even try to look at the whole picture (eg the protestors against Eminem about him dissing homosexuals... didnt he diss everyone else, including himself?)
5. High ranking people caring more about their own profit than anyone else
6. Large corporations squeezing out the little guys
7. sadistic, pointless vandalism
8. shallow and superficial people
9. Bullies who pick on those weaker and smaller than themselves
10. younger siblings

Corpral Hicks
Rank: 0
Posts: 497

2.Blair and Bush
5.Girls that use you
6.Having a sister
7.when my PC crashes.
8.Big gobbed people

Aliens...you not believe what the girls at my school will do..woooo..such good good sports...well for those when they do their *performance*. I never seen them at it!-Usally inside on the PC!

Rank: 0
Posts: 418

In no order:
2.King of the hill
3.People who use the internet to spread filth
5.Use of religion to cover terroism
6.Rowdy people
7.People who cant shut up, constantly annoying
8.fart humour
9.fart odour
10.Jesus having two holidays about him (christmas, easter) Give the rabbit a chance.

Rank: 0
Posts: 418

Did you say we could only have 10? Ive thought of more.
1.Microwave meals
2.False advertisement (Mcdonalds)
3.Heat waves
4.Saying hell is a bad place (How do you know its bad, have you been there?)
5.People who try worming their way into the so called 'popularity circle' what a crock of crap.
6.Those backpacks you put babies in, wont you crush them?
7.Public toilets (Some jerk never cleans after themselves)
8.People who wont shut up long enough to allow you to voice your opinion.
9.People taking religion into their own hands.
10.Cluster bombs attatched to the underside of harrier jumpjets.

Rank: 0
Posts: 233

Well i wasnt here for a while but hey you did fine without me.

heck great responses

Corpral Hicks
Rank: 0
Posts: 497

Hell what about u?

Rank: 0
Posts: 233


2)Big Greedy Corporations
4)Lack of Athority
5)The overall ecosystem

heh pretty corny but hey its the truth.

Lord Goldeneyes
Rank: 0
Posts: 64

Well i wasnt here for a while but hey you did fine without me.

heck great responses

See? We can take things seriously now and then.

Rank: 0
Posts: 541

In no particular order
1. People who form opinions or look down on people for meaningles and/or superficial reasons
2. People with no regard for the happiness or lives of others.
3. People with no regard for the rules of behavior that everyone else follows
4. People who refuse to accept or take responsibiilty when they make a mistake.
5. Disease
6. People who refuse to agknowledge that there might be more than one way of looking at something.
7. People who try to force their beliefs or ideas on others, or put people down for there beliefs or ideas. This includes meangingless things like what movies they like or something like that.
8. People who twist evidence, ideas, or the words of others to fit their own agenda, turning those things into something the creator, discoverer, or speaker never intended.
9. crime
10. totolitarian governments

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Posts: 1176

1. criminals
2. fart humour
3. pollution
4. huamns that think they are worth more then they are
5. scool (to bee there every day)
6. physics teacher (she is a fat ugly b****)
7. cheaters
8. Eminem
9. humans ho talk too much
10. humans ho make fun off me, if i talk about avp2(would like to kick theire arse)

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Posts: 677

Hehe, what an awesome thread. And on the subject of an excellent point from TIKI...

1. Eminem! Although he's mildly less annoying than he used to be...

2. Justin Timberlake! He's ugly and didn't even have a name before his link to Britney came to light. Should have stayed with N-Sync, kiddo..

3. Nicolas Cage before Adaptation! (jesus christ this guy used to piss me off... just by his face! It's so annoying.. or used to be anyway)

4. The inevitable sentimentalism and jingoism of war movies. We don't care about what you're feeling or why your country is supposedly the best in the world damn you, just blow stuff up!

5. Why everyone loves MTV. I just don't get it... okay so Daria, Celebrity Deathmatch and a small dosage of Beavis and Butthead are good stuff, but the entire network is generally so mind-numbingly boring it really makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with my generation.

6. The fact that I'm not hideously rich.

7. 8. 9. 10. Other than that, the world rules and I love it very much.

Rank: 0
Posts: 233

..... Well that was unusually normal. Lol Keep em coming guys and girls you doing great, even tho i hate mostly everything.

Rank: 0
Posts: 4

1. Organized religion
2. Really dumb people who have any kind of power
3. Siblings
4. Money being so expensive
5. Diseases/Illnesses of all kinds
6. Spouses who abuse spouses/children
7. Rapists
8. My lack of motivation
9. The fact that life isn't fair, at all
10. Insects who eat wood

Rank: 0
Posts: 1176

Thanks SirYawnalot.

Rank: 0
Posts: 1940

1 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2 - Jack Crow
4 - Eminem
5 - Rap music
6 - Bush
7 - hookers
8 - The Sun
9 - Rapists
10 - Superficial people

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