Everyone listen up!
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Topic: Everyone listen up!
Total Posts: 20
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Yeh i have been very immature in the past but i have changed alot since then. and im sure you others can to.
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I thought (if it ever happens) that she was leaving because of immature people swearing and putting her down. Ex. "You're sick Slof" (hmmmmm WHO SAID THAT!!!) Before you start being a critic, look at your own actions.
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Yeh i have been very immature in the past . . . |
I distinctivly remember mark saying that.
Crazy Alien Lord
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you see i started loving aliens in a way most of you would think i should be in a insane assylim (not saying that i wouldnt do good there) my parents rented alien and aliens when i was at the age of 6. let me tell you i had nightmares for 2 straight years not once did i not have a nightmare about the aliens. then suddenly after i got home one day from school after being made fun of becuase i was the smallest and the weakest i suddenly realized what the aliens represented. a type of avenger if you will. you see i believe that Xenos are partially insects. there for the movies were only the aliens taking revenge for all the hundreds of there weaker brethren that we kill each day. i never had a night mare after that. i would get the starting of one and then what ever was alailing me would be destroyed by a black swarm. ever since then i have been obsessed by aliens. i have gotten in trouble with several lit teachers about not writing about anything else. you probaply all think i am crazy here but well i have never told anybody this before. i beleive now that i am stronger in the defense of the week. i imobalize any body who picks one some one smaller then them selves. now i have been called eberything from a freek of nature to a nut. and now as soon as i finally find other people who i can atleast talk to about my obsession we start to ruin this site by our hormone crazy minds. and what about all the other fine people out there who are aslo looking for people like them to talk to. come on people lets get our obcene language off of these forums. ok. now i want all the people who have swore or said something obcene to promise they will never do it again on these forums. and then since we cant delete forums it will be permanate as long as we dont go changing our post. becuase well i for one value slof as a well GOD. she has given inspiration to a lot of us and this is the thanks we give her. come on guys. if not for your selve for ALIEN SLOF AND ALL THE OTHER LEADERS OF THIS FINE INTERNATIONAL LUNYBIN OF A COMMUNITY.
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Once again: I'm sry, sry and sry slof.
Don't come away, we need you !
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see s'liithy! i told you it would have an effect!
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on that note, i would really like to apologise for anything i may have said. usually i make it claear im joking, but it might have been a bit far sometimes.
i think a lot of people dont want you to leave slof (me included), so please dont go without a good reason (please? i'll be your best friend ?) of course, it would seem you dont enjoy it as much or any of that, which in itslef is a pretty good reason.
whichever one you choose, ill still be regularing your webbie!!!!!
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