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Topic: Hackers
Total Posts: 68

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Almost everyone on this site seems to have the wrong idea about hackers they think of us.....yes you heard right i am one......as bad people who steal money from electronic banking etc or as people who hack games and use the hacks to cheat our way to wining, well guess what im gonna say.....yup you probably guessed........YOU'RE WRONG if you think this! Thats just something i wanted to get off my chest first but is there anyone on this site that takes after my own heart and if so what do you use Linux, php etc.?

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I'm not a hacker but I want to be one. You have to tell me how!

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I think those malicious hackers are called Crackers by the pros. Those same SOBs write viruses too.

I'm cool with MOAB bein a hacker, just if I get hacked he/she best pray to GOD I don't find where they live.

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im a he and i dont hack people as in takin acounts regitrys etc. Yea if you want to know how to hack send me a pm and i'll do my best to help!

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Wow ia hacker a real hacker (thinks....can i touche it)

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uhhhh *it* ummmmm right i'm not an object or a god ya know and i dont think so......no.......no you can't touch me it's not a good thing to do you can get arrested for that you know

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Lol man just kiding you.......so what can you too withe your hacking skill?

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Posts: 289

wot can i do with my hacking skills.......hmmmmm........I can break into any windows version or network with minimum fuss change account registrys etc.....those are the main ones but hopefully alot morewill beopen to me in future as i'm getting an old laptop with UNIX which is like a hackers heaven


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Posts: 68

ooh hacker....my friend wants to be a hacker...he told me about the honour between hackers too...except he brought a cd to skool that had stuff like "complete control of someone elses comp" thats the bad version of hacking isnt it?

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Posts: 289

hmmmm that depends because if the person your doing it to consents then it's fine but your friend probaly wasn't asking permission before doing it was he? But hacking can be applied to so many different things and there so many different areas of it E.g Cracking Linux breaking etc....

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Dude can you f*ck up some1 cpu totaly, so that it will never work agin?

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Yeah itis possible but only if you can accomplish a network hack on the cpu E.G. say when it's on the net then you just flood the cpu with requestsfor info which after a while the cpu will say i can't handlethis and fry itself

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Hmmm that makes me wonder........is it hard?

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That all depends on wot software you use and your state of mind for example if you don't like reading then you may find it difficult or maybe if your a little familiar with the workings of CPU's you may find it hard but once you've been doing it for a while you get used to it. I started out useing the worst software for it iwas running a PIII on a windows 98 SE OS so i found it difficult to begin with but now i have my lovely laptop with UNIX it's a breeze

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Tell me whats a UNIX i am no rocket scientist on this!

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All I know about UNIX is what I learned from the game UPLINK: HACKER ELITE.

It's a basic series of directory lines. Like heres an example

./cd usr
usr./ list

At least thats an example of what it is in the game.
I hope that made a little sense. If not then ask the pro.

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UNIX is a command-line operating system, I believe.

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Is UNIX realy that good that its a hackers dream?

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Well not just hackers use it from what I can see. My dad uses it to access files at work from a different computer.

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Yeah, my programming class used it exclusively. We could access a UNIX server from any school computer and we would program on that.

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