Doom is not the first shooter
Razortech Xeno ...
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The doom catigory says its the first shooter, not like you HAVE to change it but its wrong. Wolfinstien 3D was the first it's made by the same company. Just thought you might like to know.
Oh ya and THEE PLAIN THEE PLAIN! BAM BAM BAM! BAM BAM BAM! Also this is from [RT] Dragon Commando: RRRROOOOAAAAAAARRRRRR!!!!!!!
Posted: 2004-03-20 22:36
Razortech Xeno ...
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Posts: 349
Fun facts!!!
Socom is a pistol as well as a game. well some of them at least!
Duke forever is not the first game you can shoot limbs off as little as a finger, Avp has this ability.
HL2 has better graphics than DOOM 3.
Humar strait from Two tiered people doing crazy things on the computer such as shooting squirls with a 12 gage shot gun on a hunting game. I know where pcycos when where tiered
the time is: 10:58 at the time this was typed location Toronto Ontario.
Posted: 2004-03-20 22:45
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Socom actually stands for "special operations command" which is in charge of US special operations (hence it's name), including the Navy Seals.
Posted: 2004-03-21 21:09
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Yup.. And the actual "SOCOM" pistol is really a HK USP .45 pistol. Pretty reliable and stuff...
My favourite is the USP match.. those are sort of the limited edition usp pistol. You see them in the Tomb Raider movies.
Posted: 2004-03-26 08:37
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Man I'll tell ya, my dad got me Wolf3d when it first came out.
ever since then I had Doom, Doom2, Heretic, Duke3d and etc.
Did you know: SOCOM also refers to the US Armed Forces Southern Command or the Command of the Southern Hemisphere.
Posted: 2004-04-20 23:22
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There's too many socom's
Posted: 2004-04-20 23:53
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I know it all too well. There are TOO damn many acronyms for everything. They should limit the number of them.
Posted: 2004-04-21 17:11
Razortech Xeno ...
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speeking of favorite pistols mine is the FN five seven, it will go threw most new body armor and has little recoil so you can fire very quickly with it and it has twenty rounds a clip so runing out of ammo is almost not a problem, you can even atatch a scope and use it to snipe the sh*& out of some one. Another thing I like is the bullets are shaped like an asault rifles so when the shells come out the side it looks like you srunk an asault rifle.
Posted: 2004-04-21 21:13
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My fav is the .50cal Barret AT Rifle
Posted: 2004-04-22 17:08
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How about
Posted: 2004-04-22 19:14
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Posted: 2004-04-22 22:27
Razortech Xeno ...
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Posts: 349
if its a sniper rifle the Russian dragonov is my fav considering it has high stoping power and is semi automatic with a 20 round box magizen. Asault is the French FA-MAS, this babys loud and veary power full, goes threw any one who is stupid enough to get in the line of fire,. sub machine gun is the P-90 with laser sight and silencer and lastly the shot guns and that would be the Jack hammer 12 gage fully automatic with 20-40 round drum.
Posted: 2004-04-24 17:55
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Hot damn, I never knew it was all that.
Personally I hope they come out with a gauss rifle like in Fallout2.
Just chillin here in my room to some NILE! Egyptian Death Metal!
Posted: 2004-04-24 23:17
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If you mean railgun, they are working on them. I hear they are planning to install hypersonic (mach 10) railguns in a planned trimeran battleships called the leviathan.
Posted: 2004-04-25 01:11
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Please tell me what a railgun is i have seen them in lot of games, but i dont think they are lasers!?
Posted: 2004-04-25 13:04
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I'm not so sure, I think they have something to do with series of magnets accelerating the ammunition to biig speeds
Posted: 2004-04-25 13:53
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Not exactly. Basically you have to metal rails connected to a high-power voltage source (hence the "rail" part of the name). Above and below the pair of rails is a pair of magnets in line with each other. This creates a very strong magnetic field between the two rails. If you then place a conductive object (say a bullet) between the two rails, it will complete the circuit and current will flow through the bullet. The magnets create a very strong force on bullet, accelerating it down the rail at very high speed (velocities of many times the speed of sound can be achieved). The bullet then flies off the end of the rail and keeps going until it hits something (hence the "gun" part of the name). It is really very similar to a conventional gun, except instead of using explosive to propel the bullet you use a combination of electricity and magnets. It could also be though of as similar to a normal electric motor, except instead of causing the object to move in a circle it causes it to move in a straight line.
Posted: 2004-04-25 17:09
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I complement you on your detailed explanation. Yeah the ones we've got now are as big as battleships. Maybe in 50 years....
Posted: 2004-04-25 19:21
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Posts: 1176
Oh thx for the explanation. At least i know its not a laser (damn games).
Posted: 2004-04-26 09:18