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Half-life level seires

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Topic: Half-life level seires
Total Posts: 10

Razortech Xeno ...
Rank: 0
Posts: 349

From [RT] Dragon Commando: we at razortech bilive that our wonderful freind valve has not prodused enuf content for half-life so we are working on a new misson pack called.
note: this is not a mod so we are using most of the original stuff (all the original guns with the exeption of the pistol we might change it. and most of the original textures) we have allot of level ideas but if you have a good one please tell us. but keep in mind we can not change the code so some things will ither be left out or worked around. also the game will be based on my brothers novel so any world is posible from D&D to blade runer! [img]/images/forum/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]/images/forum/smilies/icon_eek.gif[/img] [img]/images/forum/smilies/icon_razz.gif[/img]

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

that our wonderful freind sierra

your stupidity in that statement is uncanny. they have no costumer support. they screw the people who actually make the games. they are a terrible gaming company.
but hey thats just my oppinion. the only reason why i own something from them is becuase i love aliens and they made AvP2.

Rank: 0
Posts: 677

Agreed, although Sierra never produced any content, lest ye forget that it was Valve who developed the damned overrated thing...

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

exactly. seirra just goes and buys out the small companys that make that programing and stuff. treats the employees like shit. and then when the original programmers quit there is no one to make any new content.
unfortunatly they made AvP2 and i cant turn my back on my obsession becuase of Sierra

Razortech Xeno ...
Rank: 0
Posts: 349

my mistake I meant valve and we didn't ask for your opinion on sierra, they suck. I fixed my mastake. we were being sarcastic when we said "our wonderful freinds."besides all we want is the people that we are making this mission pack for to have some say as to what goes into it. P.S. you don't half to be rued people make mastakes.

Razortech Xeno ...
Rank: 0
Posts: 349

here is my list of sierras screw ups.

soda offroad racing. you can't run other sierra games with this installed (with the exeption of Half-life "yipidy-do!"

there costemer support is non existent like you said.

they riped off so many companies I'v lost count.

the only thing sierra did right was
A-10 tank killer 2 :silent thunder.

earth sige 2 has graphics that make the first mario look like a graphical god.

Rank: 9
Posts: 896

Sierra are the publishers, they do the advertising campaings and sign contracts with retailers to get the product onto the shelves.

Valve are the people who wrote the code and designed the levels/characters/etc....

But as to the game, at the time many games were rather short. It's only because of it's success that Half-Life keeps being compared to later games which got longer & longer.

So, enjoy the mods/add-ons/levels that are out there and keep begging Valve to produce a very long Half-Life 2

Rank: 0
Posts: 677

Ack! One of Half-Life's biggest flaws was that it was too long!! It dragged on and on and on with only a couple of interesting or distinctive bits. Unreal was also overly lengthy, but at least it had variety to keep it interesting for the most part. Funny that Legend took the other extreme for the sequel and made it extremely short. In fact, now I think about it, games have got shorter and shorter rather than longer. Max Payne 2, U2, Jedi Academy, Primal Hunt...

Razortech Xeno ...
Rank: 0
Posts: 349

This is from Razortech Xeno camando: You guys whent off the topic, the point of this is to tell me and my bro what level disgins you wanted to see in our mission pack which will feature new voices and hopfully a new gun to riplace that stupid looking pistol.

Rank: 9
Posts: 896

Personally Im supprised we are still talking about Half-Life, usually we leave the topic subject in about 8 posts

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