Work [slavery], men&women, books, food, life as you see it.
Total Posts: 42
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Posts: 110
is this always this way? or am i imagining things... cause this site aint very cool now....
anyone else have opinions with the behavior...?????
Rank: 0
Posts: 287
What the hell happened?
I have never had a complaint about one person, your all great to chat with exchange ideas, but its the assholes that sign up and do nothing but swear and spam and complain about how others act thats killing me here peoples. A few out there that need to calm the hell down and watch there tempers too i might add >.<
Now im not trying to perform one of those "Lets all pull together as a community speeches", i simply think the rules need to be enforced more. Spammers and excessive swearing should be banned IMO, and at the same time we should all try not to be so hateful towards one another...ideas are ideas and opinions are opinions...nothing to be offended by.
Rank: 8
Posts: 1136
I see hasty posts written in the heat of anger, dissing people for only trying to lend a helping ear to listen - so few actually discuss aliens or predator any more. In these situations, I would say to the angry person, take a deep breath, consider carefully what you write, check it all over BEFORE pressing the 'submit' button - don't be afraid to ask for advice. Failing that, simply don't post on forums when you're upset - wait until it cools!
I see writers asking for decent feedback on here and do they get any? Much of the time, no. On GS there is a comments feature, yet hardly anyone uses it - writers would appreciate a few comments, yet we are left feeling no-one is actually reading them. I even asked Prezes to make the character limit longer as people said they often didn't have enough room to write what they wanted to say. I know the stories are being read as I've seen the hits counter go up daily. The writers want to know if it's worth their while continuing...
A few deep breaths, some chilling out and a bit less angst is needed to revitalise this forum - leave the angst at home, or at least try to be civil..... oh, and and more aliens!
Razortech Xeno ...
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Posts: 349
Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800
these forums are getting to much like a play ground. imature and dumb. no real content.
unfortunately our already over worked admin prezes doesnt have the time to guard the forums from the fools. i know i dont have alot of room to speak as i used to be one of those fools. we have two real choices as i see it. one we leave the forums and hope the forums become more mature like they used to be. two, we try and help prowl the forums. i stopped doing halo articles becuase i just got sick of why i was doing them. i wasnt doing them out of excitement. i was doing them to just gain more standing on the website.
to many great writers and mature people have been alienated. either by self alienation. or just being pushed away and ignored by the imature people who now rule the forums. all of the admins besides prezes and slof have stopped coming or stopped prowling the forums. slof you have turned GS around. and without prezes this site would be some search page or something.
but hey i have rambled so much here that i dont know where i started. so i bid you all ado.
Rank: 8
Posts: 392
Today is my b-day and I still don't feel my age.
Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800
Rank: 0
Posts: 110
HAPPY B_DAY! however age you are!
Rank: 0
Posts: 369
Happy B-Day Da'Yeyinde!
Rank: 0
Posts: 838
Everyone is so right. Slof's nice, civil post seems like a formal speech next to the garbage the rest of us have been putting up on here...
I repeat myself: Wow.
Thank you Slof!
Rank: 0
Posts: 240
Everyone needs a good breather, some calming music, and some alone time. I've said it before, "If today's generation gets any worse, they will be the cause of our demise."
Mutagen Corporation
Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800
but yes todays generation does not look like its very promising.
Rank: 0
Posts: 240
Quote: |
and whose to say that our demise by their hand isnt fate. then again i dont much beleive in fate for something that big. i beleive that some things are ment to happen. but u can then decide the path u go down. but yes todays generation does not look like its very promising. |
I disagree. Obviously the "Hand od Fate" is slapping us hither and tither. This site is Murphy's Law stomping grounds
If some can go wrong, it will go wrong.
And obviously this site is just in the ditch. and it's pissing me off
Rank: 0
Posts: 240
Quote: |
and whose to say that our demise by their hand isnt fate. then again i dont much beleive in fate for something that big. i beleive that some things are ment to happen. but u can then decide the path u go down. but yes todays generation does not look like its very promising. |
I disagree. Obviously the "Hand od Fate" is slapping us hither and tither. This site is Murphy's Law stomping grounds
If some can go wrong, it will go wrong.
And obviously this site is just in the ditch. and it's pissing me off
Rank: 0
Posts: 110
Rank: 0
Posts: 240
I'm sorry. I guess I've been a bit (oh screw that, a lot!) over-zealous and I'm extemly sorry.
If you don't forgive me I understand...
Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800
Rank: 0
Posts: 838
Rank: 0
Posts: 110
Rank: 0
Posts: 240
And have bad Karma... two bad combinations, for instance:
I'll look at a project adn go, "No, not good." I'll end up redoing it and end up making things worse.
I'll then slam my hea into my desk, my bookcase, my computer, or the nearest hard object..
Over-zealous: the act of righting somethin, loyal to something, converting to your acts... null
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