Absolute Gamerz

Stupid people

Forum: Life As It Happens
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Topic: Stupid people
Total Posts: 35

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Posts: 541

Have you ever heard of or seen someone doing something so completely stupid that it defies logic and common sense? If so put it here.

In one of my classes the teacher was discussing liability. He mentioned a pair of guys who wanted to trim the side of the hedges. They didn't have hedgeclippers, so they improvised. The two of them took their lawnmower and lifted it up, put it sideways, and proceeded to trim the hedges with it. Needless to say they got some pretty bad injuries...so they sued the manufacturer of the lawnmower AND WON!

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Posts: 1940

I am a stupid person, when me and my mates get drunk, if they dare me to do something, i will do it, i have:

Put ciggaretes out on my head

Hit on Female Police women

Broken bottles over my head

Grabbed chicks i don't even know and start hooking up with them

Jumped insane distances on my bike

Jumped in front of cars

jumped off my second story balcony (onto grass tho)

Brought handcuffs (real ones) thrown the key away and cuffed my wrist to my ankle

i can continue...

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Posts: 1176

Well it minds me a little bit of scool. 1 of my friends had in russia 4 twos or i think you call em F and he still got 3 or in your scools it is B i think now how is that possible he had only bad marks and still got a B or 3 thats sucks no logic there can only say teacher is was stupid!!!!!!

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Hit on Female police women

theres a non-female police woman??

insane cameraman
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Posts: 33

Heh, I mooned my bus driver once. She sat in front of my house for 10- 15 minutes and honked her horn. Then she dropped the rest of the kids off, came back, and honked her horn some more.

Rank: 8
Posts: 241

Sometimes it's difficult to tell, Nutty.

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Posts: 838

eek, how am i supposed to reply to something like that :S.

insane cameraman
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Posts: 33

I rode my bick through the barn when I was a little kid. Spooked all the horses.

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Posts: 838

i ride my bike through my barn all the time... both our horses are docile, and my sheep is always happy to see me (i raised him). all and all, riding through a barn doesn't sound that stupid to me...

Rank: 0
Posts: 1940

i ride my bike through my barn all the time... both our horses are docile, and my sheep is always happy to see me (i raised him). all and all, riding through a barn doesn't sound that stupid to me...

Yeh well, horses can be very jumpy animals, especially younger ones. We breed our own horses, and trust me, they get spooked easily if they arn't used to anything.

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two horses? did i say two horses? i have a horse and a pony And their both really easy going, you'd have to fire off a gun to spook em, and even then maybe not...

Rank: 0
Posts: 1176

A pony how lovely, damn thats a sweet word

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Posts: 838

Is that a sarcasm?

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Posts: 1940

Either that or a really camp sense of humor...

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Dunno what sarcasm is but i just like the word

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Posts: 234

I hope you are kidding O_o

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

stupid people standing in front of doors and just talking.
thats really stupid and it pisses me off. i just push them out of the way.

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Posts: 838

yeah, just open the door real hard and *BLAM*
Next chore: picking up the pieces.

Rank: 0
Posts: 1176

Woah to you too that or you are just kidiing

Rank: 0
Posts: 418

Oh I love this thread. Well my stupidity ranges from the marginally stupid to the outright dangerous. Wearing Fibreglass for clothes, pushing ourselves in trollies off steep hills, setting alight trollies with kerosine and riding them down the road, the cheese grinder jack off, dragging amps into the streets and playing our guitars, the breeze block drop off (If you want to know just ask) and my favourite, the bong grenade fight.

if you want see what me and my friends get up to then visit here.
death on demand

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