Absolute Gamerz


Forum: Life As It Happens
Work [slavery], men&women, books, food, life as you see it.
Total Posts: 23

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

What is going on here people. this is nuts. im looking at the last scene screen and what i see sickens me. as of right now there hasnt been another person but me on here for over 7 hours. i have been checking at different times in the day. now what is up people. why are u guys not here. so we dont have many noobs around to add some spice to the forums. so what. us vets still have fun. everything here has slown down steadily for the past 6 months. were is the ABSOLUTE GAMERZ SPIRIT!!!
i understand that we all have lifes to live. i have been rather occupied my self. but i still find time in the day to post on these forums. is it so hard to ask to take even 10 minutes out of ur day and post atleast one reply on a thread. i mean its almost at the point were Prezes shouldnt even be doing anything to keep this site running. i mean nobody really seems to be taking time to try and help this site. maybe its just me, it could very well just be me, but i thought that this was a community based on gamerz. but i guess i was wrong. i mean alot of u guys obviously arent very good gamerz. i mean here lies the proof. when playing a game u are bound to hit a spot that is rather challenging. the difference between a real gamer and HALF ASSED NOOB!!! is that the gamer keeps going and trying. the noob quits and gets a different game. so i guess im just surrounded by HALF ASSED NOOBS!!!
i do want to say though that i dont mean any insult to anybody who joined this site when they dont like or play alot of video games. mainly anybody who might have joined to share their works with other people, people who joined becuase of other people, and people that joined becuase.

I am just disgusted at the people who have been here for a while and are drifting away becuase they think that this site is boring. while it wouldnt be so boring if u people took even ten minutes out of ur day to write a reply on some thread. just something to contribute to this site.

but hey im just one teenager who doesnt know shit compared to the rest of u smart people.

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Posts: 541

Sorry, I've been a bit cut off from my computer this weekend. I haven't been able to spend more than 10 minutes on a computer this whole weekend.

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Posts: 287

um hello again all been a long while since i posted here and im sorry b'out that. Ive been spending most of my time now over at the AvPWorld Forums for those of you that want to know.

the reason i have stopped frequenting these boreds as much as i used to is because this place seems to have lost more than a little of its luster. There was no change, nothing new besides a short-story here and there, I NEED MORE THAN JUST A NEW STORY!! i checked the pic gallery almost daily and there was practically never anything new, or the gallery wasnt functioning at all. I often found myself to be the only one on...now, i dont know if my timing is off or what (cause i know most all of us live in some different part of the world, so are times are all a tad different)...but my level of interest dropped another 10pts when that started happening. Add to that the fact that ive completely stopped playing AvP2 (way too many F__King noobs and hackers on nowadays, beatin it already as well).

So...those are a couple of my reasons, sorry again all

Rank: 9
Posts: 896

I had a 16 hour shift on saturday, and today (Sunday) had my usual 6 hours.

Also there is an Italian staying over at my house (don't ask! it's along story and no-one is pleased), who hardly speaks a word of english and has to be baby-sat all day.

Also, I had my first project to hand in....

So, I'll be around tomorrow to

Rank: 0
Posts: 16

Im here, though my posting is sporadic cause of work. I try to read the ALIENS fan stories when I have time.

Im writing short stories, that im gonna post here. Short because I need something small after working on my site. Really dont wanna burn out on this stuff.

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

as i said i know that we all have lives. its just that this site was something out of the ordinary. something just special about it. it may be just me but hey.

Rank: 8
Posts: 1136

I haven't abandoned anything - I post submitted GS newsies when they come in - I check every day. I just don't post on these forums much, because to be perfectly honest, I'm not interested in school, best or worst players, fitness, etc. I left school before many of you were born, I don't play online any more, and reading about fitness I find too upsetting as I am partially crippled with athritis. I'm the oldest person on this site at almost 40 years old. I also have other things to do like looking after my home, having a life, writing, etc. There are not enough hours in the day to get through everything I put on my daily goal list as it is!

As Mar pointed out in another thread, I am busy, I'm doing major renovation work on my hive. Also this 'n00b bashing' thing pisses me right off. If that happened to me when I was a newcomer to a forum, I'd never go back after that sort of treatment. We should be welcoming new people, not dissing them out of hand, eh?

Rank: 0
Posts: 25

It looks to me like everyone just got tired of fighting with each other. I've lurked around for a while, and it seems that the most activity comes when people are fighting. Now I have to admit that I was entertained sometimes with it, but really, it just got boring.

I for one spend my time looking through the writings on the site. Some are wonderful, some are good, some leave me wondering. But I admire each and every writer that has the desire to have their ideas put in public view, because it does take courage.

To sum up, I guess I don't post to the forums because I have little patience for internet slang, the much used, seldom understood "l33t speak" that saturates most forums. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the best at putting my ideas into words and often will use improper grammar, but I like to think that my stories and posts are at least readable and understandable on some level. I suppose I just look for more from a forum that boasts a stable of active writers.

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Posts: 16

The biggest turn off to any online community for me is hostile attitude. Whether it be smug psuedo intellectuals who assume they are a level higher than everybody else, or kids who bash people for no reason. Though from my experience its alot easier to get along with the outright leet talking bashers. Once somebody develops a superiority complex online, theres nothing short of a lighting storm to stop them.

Either way, its just so much easier to be nice to people. I know that sounds simple, but ugh, all the fighting and attitude really wears you down.

So far I think everybody here is really chill. I guess I havent looked around much cause I havent seen the arguments yet.

Rank: 0
Posts: 25

I agree completely. Being nice to each other is the most effective way to keep any online community active and growing. But for some reason that I am yet to figure out, it is the last thing people do. Is it a need to compete with others, even if the competition is only on one's own mind? A need to feel important? Or is the internet just populated with mean people?

No matter what the reasoning behind it is, we all have our own personal likes and dislikes when it comes to forums. Maybe when we figure out a topic that the majority is interested in and that doesn't spiral into a flame war we will see the community at its best. Until then, I figure posting will be sporadic at best. But hey, it's got me posting, so who am I to judge?

Rank: 0
Posts: 418

Well with the struggle of moving to the other side of the world it has been a little hard lately trying to even get anything done, I find it hard enough to leave one little post (Although now everything has started slowing down)

Rank: 0
Posts: 1940

Well with the struggle of moving to the other side of the world it has been a little hard lately trying to even get anything done, I find it hard enough to leave one little post (Although now everything has started slowing down)

Agreed, me and Acid are in the same boat here, And over all, no one said anything about ANY of us abanodoning these forums. ALNS, you just have to understand, that people are busy with their lives, School, Work, Family etc.

And what Erioc said makes perfect sense, it may seem corny, but goddammit its bloody true. There is no competition around here for ultimate power or respect, and IF there is and i don't know about it, it shouldn't be there.

"Or is the internet just populated with mean people?"

@ Erioc: No man, not mean people, some maybe are, but, its mainly just the whole "I am so much better than you" thing. and i tell you, people like that, who come on the internet and try and prove to everyone that they are better than the next person, they fail to see how bloody pathetic they look.

Rank: 0
Posts: 1176

Ya Alans dont have a chicken

Rank: 0
Posts: 1176

Dammit i ment a cow have a cow geeeez i hate my typing huh me happy agin

Rank: 0
Posts: 240

Me, Slof, ALNS, chief of halo, blind, black dawn are the only ones i see.

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

well isnt that just dandy

Rank: 0
Posts: 240

What I've been noticing it's not a mean person, but a bad attitude.
Some people come here after an aweful bout of AVP II. They got killed, didn't rank enough frags, then come here expecting sympathy on a silver platter.
They get some good nature humor handed to them and they take is a fireball to the face! IT goes like this:
SHut Mother------!
Don't talk to my friend like that -----!
Stop -------- -------!
Then we have a domino effect that turns a site into a WW2 battlezone!
The people who start it come back in 1/2 an hour, on their keyboard, crying crocodile tears. The others are still POed at 'em and we have blood war on our hands.
It's good-natured people like Slof, ALNS, Prezes, and me trying to cool down these internet "boilers"
I've seen things here lately... The mods are going outta their minds! demi and Prez are stressed to the bone and they don't need us to worsten it! Idoru, Nostromo, SM, dvIII, and Daggle are rarely (if not at all seen) coming here because they gave up on this uncontrollable mob!

Rank: 0
Posts: 49

I'm also not coming here as much because nothing interesting seems to happen and I now work for alot more sites then I did when I was new here at this place. The only way I will keep on coming is if Prezes starts to get back to me sooner on my PM's (2 weeks or longer is way too long). I want to get AbsoluteHalo up me and Prezes need to talk about it.

Second of all things need to actually be happening on the website. Nothing new seems to be occuring anymore.

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

Prezes is busy with keeping these servers running.
ive offered to help out more but i havent gotten a reply. also he has a life to live and he may be busy right now.

Corpral Hicks
Rank: 0
Posts: 497

hey, at least i manage to keep absolute upt-o-date with the new news...i post but no1 evers replys to my posts so i dont usally bother.

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